During their reception, Mark spoke about how life is sometimes a series of little decisions that ultimately lead you down the path you were always meant to travel down. Call it destiny or serendipity, Mark and Brittany’s paths were meant to cross. Brittany and Mark are incredible people with huge hearts. They both care for others very much and they have a strong desire to take care of those closest to them; this was evident throughout their wedding. Brittany and Mark chose to marry in November and instead of risking rain in Northern California, which, I’m relatively sure it did in fact rain, they planned a destination wedding in Palm Springs, California. They married at the Hyatt Grand Champion Resort with 70 degree weather, hummingbirds, laughter, love and perfection!
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Jen Martens says
WOW, I knew your photos would turn out amazing. and they did! Jessica, you did a spectacular job!
Chelsea Patricia says
Oh my goodness–beautiful!
Tara Langford says
Congratulations! The pictures are amazing and everything looked beautiful! Especially the Bride 🙂 Love, Tara, Jason and Brandt
Rocklin Rachaner says
Congratulations, Mark! I’m thrilled for you and your beautiful new wife!!!
Daniel Stark says
incredible! wow. your images are so crisp. love them!
Shanni says
First shot for the win.